What are your goals for week 28 of 2024?

RMAG news

It’s week 28 of 2024.

What are your goals for the week?

What are you building?
What will be a good result by week’s end?
What events are happening this week?

any suggestions for in person or virtual events?

Any special goals for the quarter?

Last Week’s Goals

Last week was a short week, no local events. Didn’t plan out too much for the week expected most people would be off Thursday and Friday.

[✅] Continue Job Search.
[✅] Project work. Content update. Habit tracker v2 is not saving correctly.
[❌] Blog.
No events
[✅] Run a goal setting thread on Virtual Coffee Slack.

This Week’s Goals

Continue Job Search.
Project work.

Deploy 2024. On Tuesday.

Run a goal setting thread on Virtual Coffee Slack.

Your Goals for the week

Your turn what do you plan to do this week?

What are you building?
What will be a good result by week’s end?
What in person or virtual events are happening this week?

-$JarvisScript git commit -m “What are your goals?”
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