What atrocity would Israel have to commit for our leaders to break their silence? | Owen Jones

What atrocity would Israel have to commit for our leaders to break their silence? | Owen Jones

To avenge 7 October, crimes of all kinds are condoned. But politicians should take note: the British public disagrees

Consider these two parallel universes. One is Gaza, the scene of some of the worst atrocities committed in the 21st century, as Israel’s genocidal rampage offers a new reminder of our species’ capacity for depravity. According to research by Oxfam, more women and children have been killed by the Israeli military in the last year “than the equivalent period of any other conflict over the past two decades”.

What makes this all the more disturbing is that the figures are conservative: the 11,355 children and 6,297 women listed as violently killed are only those who have been officially identified. Many of the dead have not been recorded in this way, not least the thousands buried under rubble, listed as missing, or incinerated by Israeli missiles, leaving not a trace. Israel’s destruction of Gaza’s hospitals, too, has laid waste to the system of reporting fatalities. Those caveats notwithstanding, in no 12-month period were so many women and children butchered in the killing fields of Iraq and Syria, despite those populations being much greater than Gaza’s.

Owen Jones is a Guardian columnist

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