When a couple doesn’t want more kids (or any) who should get snipped?

When a couple doesn’t want more kids (or any) who should get snipped?

Four couples describe why they chose sterilization surgery – and how they decided which of them would get it

When couples decide they don’t want any more biological children – or any children at all – the topic of contraceptive surgery tends to come up, especially for heterosexual couples. But the decision can be weighty. Is it the best option? Is a permanent solution really what they want? And which person should undergo the surgery?

A vasectomy takes just about 20 minutes to do in a clinic, requires only local anesthesia, and is minimally invasive and quicker to heal. It typically costs about $1,000 in the US without insurance. By contrast, the procedures available to those with a uterus are more complicated. Tubal ligation and bilateral salpingectomy, the removal of both fallopian tubes – which is now more commonly recommended – require general anesthesia, involve multiple incisions and often laparoscopy, and have lengthier healing times. They also generally cost more than a vasectomy – some candidates report out-of-pocket quotes in the $15,000–$30,000 range.

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