Whole Woman’s Health abortion clinic offers a ‘hopeful’ sanctuary for the US south

Whole Woman’s Health abortion clinic offers a ‘hopeful’ sanctuary for the US south

As a need for abortion clinics grows and laws toughen up, Virginia may be the last southern state left for providers

With her blond hair pulled into a braided ponytail, a small gold cross slung around her neck and decked out in teal scrubs covered in cartoon frogs, Brenda Morgan was polite but firm as she doled out instructions to her clinic employees.

People rarely pick up their phone if they don’t recognize the number, so you’ll probably have to leave a voicemail, Morgan advised a trio of staffers. When you leave that voicemail, she continued, never say you’re calling from Whole Woman’s Health. Instead, Morgan suggested they say something vague, like: “This is Brenda from your doctor’s office. Please give me a call back.”

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