Women’s football holds immense potential as a lever for climate action | Amy James-Turner

Women’s football holds immense potential as a lever for climate action | Amy James-Turner

Reality of the crisis is making its mark on our game but a rise in awareness can spark environmentally conscious change

The topic of the climate crisis is not one we often associate with football, especially not with women’s football. However, as a professional player who has had the privilege of engaging with my fellow colleagues on this pressing issue, I’ve come to realise the deep concern and untapped potential within our community.

I joined Planet League, the football climate action platform for fans, as an ambassador last year and wanted to focus my efforts on leadership in the women’s game. At the end of May we launched Women’s Football and Climate Change: The Players’ Perspective – a report that sheds light on how our sport intersects with the climate crisis and what we, as players, think needs to be done.

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