Yes, prime minister, it’s a scandal so many of us are signed off work. Maybe you Tories should stop making us ill | Zoe Williams

Yes, prime minister, it’s a scandal so many of us are signed off work. Maybe you Tories should stop making us ill | Zoe Williams

The UK does not have a sicknote problem. It has a government-couldn’t-care-less problem

Another week, another phantom menace for Rishi Sunak. The people he is talking about, regarding his benefit reforms, do not exist. The 1.35 million people who could work but just don’t want to, who have a label of depression or anxiety but are just a little bit sad, who could have their benefits replaced by vouchers and find that incentivising: these people do not exist.

People are not signed off work because we are all a little bit more comfortable talking about our moods. People are not on disability benefits because Prince Harry did a podcast. We don’t have a “sicknote culture” because it’s too easy to get a sicknote. The pressure on GPs will not be lifted by parcelling out sicknotes to private contractors. Those with depression and anxiety severe enough to claim a personal independence payment (Pip) are catastrophically unwell. If numbers have surged over the past 14 years, which they have, it is because Conservative governments make you catastrophically unwell.

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