Young male voters are flocking to Trump – but he doesn’t have their interests at heart | Steven Greenhouse

Young male voters are flocking to Trump – but he doesn’t have their interests at heart | Steven Greenhouse

Trump isn’t an icon of positive masculinity. He also did very little for young men during his four years as president

It’s the most startling thing I’ve seen in this year’s presidential campaign – the astoundingly large gap between how young men and young women plan to vote this November. Among women under age 30, an overwhelming 67% plan to vote for Kamala Harris, while just 29% say they’ll back Donald Trump. But among young men, a majority – 53% – plan to vote for Trump, while 40% say they’ll support Harris, according to a New York Times/Sienna College poll. That’s an astonishing 51-percentage-point gender gap.

It’s easy to understand why so many young women favor Harris – she has an inspiring life story, champions reproductive freedom and would break the biggest glass ceiling of all by becoming the first female president. But I’m mystified why so many young men back Trump.

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