Youth is a superpower and it’s great to see our Paralympians harnessing it | Ade Adepitan

Youth is a superpower and it’s great to see our Paralympians harnessing it | Ade Adepitan

Young competitors are intimidating and invigorate a team – and Poppy Maskill is not the only teenager on the block in Paris

For the first British gold of the Paralympics to be won by a teenager in a world record time was an incredible start to the Games. I think Poppy Maskill was even a bit shocked herself. I’m not sure how much it was expected but it was a fantastic performance.

The 19-year-old is hardly the only youngster on the block in Paris. She beat her friend Olivia Newman-Baronius in the final and she’s 17. And then there is Bly Twomey in table tennis. She won bronze in the doubles at the age of 14 which is nuts. There’s also a 13-year-old swimmer, Iona Winnifrith. In total the ParalympicsGB team includes 14 teenagers so I could go on.

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