650 photovoltaic panels installed on ANA Hotels, Crowne Plaza in Bucharest

650 photovoltaic panels installed on ANA Hotels, Crowne Plaza in Bucharest

Renovatio Solar, a company from the Renovatio ecosystem, one of the main players in the field of solar energy and green technology in Romania, has completed the installation of 650 photovoltaic panels on the ANA Hotels (office building) and Crowne Plaza (hotel) buildings in Bucharest, which they belong to businessman George Copos.

“The project involved the design and installation of a photovoltaic system with a total capacity of 300KWp (on the basis of an EPC – industrial prosumer contract) and was challenging because it was necessary to work in fixed time intervals, predetermined by the client, in order not to disturb hotel guests or people who work in the office building”, said Horatiu Regneala, CEO of Renovatio Solar.

“We wanted to go to the next level with our initiatives in the field of sustainability and with the help of Renovatio Solar we put photovoltaic panels into operation, which will partially provide the consumption needs for the Crowne Plaza hotel and for our company’s headquarters, following some investments that rise at approximately 300,000 euros”, said, in turn, Simona Constantinescu, General Operational Director of ANA Hotels.

This project was implemented under the motto “Go Green”, the motto under which the installation of charging points for electric cars was carried out in the parking lots of ANA Hotels.
“We provided the client ANA Hotels with a professional design, resulting in the optimization of the space and the efficiency of the placement of the panels, in order to obtain a maximum yield per installed area. The final result is that the amortization of the investment will be realized in a shorter time than normal in such situations”, Regneala added.

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