All black is back – again. Here’s how to wear it in 2024

All black is back – again. Here’s how to wear it in 2024

Think about the silhouette – black makes a caped sleeve or wide-legged trouser feel more wearable

Wearing all black looks chic. It looks cool. I realise that this has not been breaking fashion news since approximately 1957. And I know I sound really basic for saying it aloud. Still, I think it bears repeating. Because sometimes we can’t see the wood for the trees, and it is useful to be reminded that all black can be a sanity-saving wardrobe formula that can be adapted for any occasion and never lets you down.

But do you know the best way to wear black? Sounds like a stupid question. The whole vibe of wearing black is about giving off an air of nonchalance. Like, you know, that you were just born super cool, and your outfits just put themselves effortlessly together without you having to try. But that’s not actually how it works. Black is a brilliant canvas, but to make it sing you need to – whisper it – put a tiny bit of effort in. No one ever need know.

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