How to use Templ with Goravel

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Install the framework and tools

First let’s install Goravel. It’s a batteries included Go Web Framework for developers familiar with the Laravel Framework.

Steps from Getting started documentation:

// Download framework
git clone
rm -rf goravel/.git*

// Install dependencies
cd goravel
go mod tidy

// Create .env environment configuration file
cp .env.example .env

// Generate application key
go run . artisan key:generate

Now install templ (for html templates) and air (for hot reloading)

go install
go install

Configure a simple frontend template structure

(work in progress – I will update with global variables and script push)

• Add this line in your /.gitignore file: *_templ.go
• Delete resources/views/welcome.tmpl
• Create 2 folders in resources/views, home and parts
• In the folder resources/views/parts create 3 files:
   1. resources/views/parts/header.templ

package parts

templ Header() {

   2. resources/views/parts/footer.templ

package parts

templ Footer() {
<p>&copy; 2024 MyProject</p>

   3. resources/views/parts/template.templ

package parts

templ Template() {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Page</title>
<meta charset=“utf-8”/>
<meta httpequiv=“Content-Type” content=“text/html; charset=utf-8”/>
<meta name=“viewport” content=“width=device-width, initial-scale=1”/>
<!– Your styles go here –>
{ children }
<!– Your scripts go here –>
<script src=“//” defer></script>

• Create your homepage component: resources/views/home/index.templ

package home

import “goravel/resources/views/parts”

templ Index() {
@parts.Template() {
<div>Templ is awesome</div>

Their documentation for children components is here. They have an example for a layout structure but I find this method better.

Use this homepage component in your controller

I made this new file app/http/controllers/controller.go where I can store some helpers available to any controller.

package controllers

import (

func RenderTempl(c http.Context, comp templ.Component) http.Response {
c.Response().Header(“Content-Type”, “text/html”)
comp.Render(c, c.Response().Writer())
return nil

This helper renders the provided templ component in the response buffer along with a 200 status header. My first try at this I was using c.Response().Writer().Header().Set() but is does not work ! The only way to set response headers is c.Response().Header(key, val).
Let’s use it in app/http/controllers/home_controller.go

package controllers

import (

type HomeController struct {
//Dependent services

func NewHomeController() *HomeController {
return &HomeController{
//Inject services

func (r *HomeController) Index(ctx http.Context) http.Response {
// doing awesome stuff here
return RenderTempl(ctx, home.Index())

Now set this new route:

package routes

import (

func Web() {
homeController := controllers.NewHomeController()
facades.Route().Get(“/”, homeController.Index)

Configure hot reloading with Air

Goravel already comes with the configuration file (.air.toml) you need for this, we only need to add the templ generate command in the cmd parameter, like this:

bin = “./storage/temp/main”
cmd = “templ generate && go build -o ./storage/temp/main .”

If you are using Windows add .exe to main in both bin and cmd parameters:

bin = “./storage/temp/main.exe”
cmd = “templ generate && go build -o ./storage/temp/main.exe .”

Done ! Happy coding !