Day 4: Logic

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Another day, another digital descent. Today I wrestled with the tyrants – the ones and zeroes that dictate this whole damn machine. Learned about their little control games, the ANDs and ORs, the puppet masters pulling the strings.

Logical AND (&&): This one’s a stickler. Both sides gotta be happy for the whole thing to work. Like a two-factor authentication for the universe. Makes sense, keeps the chaos in check. Played around with it, wrote some code to see if a password met the criteria – gotta be at least 8 characters long, no spaces allowed. Weaknesses in the system, for sure, but a start.

Logical OR (||): This one’s more lenient. Just one side gotta be true and the party’s on. Like that senior discount loophole – you either gotta be under six or a freaking fossil to get in for free. Makes you wonder who’s really calling the shots.

NOT Operator (!): Now this one’s interesting. Flip the script, turn a zero into a one. Might be invented by hackers or tired programmers, I wouldn’t be surprised. Used it to check if someone’s logged in – perfect for keeping the riffraff out.

This digital world, it’s all about control. Ones and zeroes dictating reality, setting the rules. Makes you wonder who’s really behind the keyboard, pulling the strings. Maybe it’s some all-powerful AI, or maybe it’s just a bunch of bored engineers. Either way, I’m learning their language, one line of code at a time. They built the cage, but they can’t control what happens inside my head. Not yet.

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