Launch your SaaS faster with OneMix by SaaS King

Launch your SaaS faster with OneMix by SaaS King

One Mix by SaaS King | Remix SaaS Boilerplate Demo – YouTube

A quick introduction to OneMix by SaaS King. OneMix is made with Remix (Vite), Tailwind, Supabase, Prisma, Stripe and Resend.How can OneMix by SaaS King help…

Hi, I’m Aditya,

A software engineer during the day, an indie hacker during the night.

I started indie hacking in 2023 and sold my first project, IconMage, an AI icon generator, in 2024. With the experience that I gained from my first project I decided to write The Micro SaaS Playbook. In this ebook, I guide a beginner through all the phases of micro-SaaS development from ideation to exit. It is currently rated at 5 stars.

I also share cool products, founder interviews and my tech opinions for makers around the world through my newsletter with 190+ subscribers. Aditya’s Newsletter has been read by makers from 83 countries!

I realized most makers struggle with one common problem: they spend too much time in starting. Hours spent on mundane tasks like authentication and payment integration kill their motivation and most side projects never get launched.

I decided to solve this problem by creating the OneMix Remix SaaS boilerplate as part of the SaaS King platform.

How can OneMix by SaaS King help you?

Save time and focus on your business logic
Build products without struggling with setups and integrations
Make money quickly

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