🚀 Journey to Senior Developer 🚀

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🚀 Excited to kickstart my journey towards becoming a better Senior Developer! 🚀

🎯 Target Role: L4-L6 level

💰 Target Salary: $60k-$90k

⏰ Target Period: 6-12 months

📚 Learning Plan:

Chapter 1: DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms)

Goal: Master all medium-level LeetCode questions + brute force version of hard questions.

Chapter 2: Languages/Compiler

Goal: Deep understanding of at least 2 programming languages.

Chapter 3: Databases

Goal: Deep understanding of SQL, No-SQL, Time-series, and Graph databases, including data warehousing, big data, and distributed databases.

Chapter 4: Networking

Goal: Understanding of networking protocols and web application architecture.

Chapter 5: Distributed Systems

Goal: Understanding of distributed system architectures.

Chapter 6: Cloud Services

Goal: Proficiency in utilizing cloud services.

Chapter 7: Data-intensive apps

Goal: Understanding how to develop data-intensive applications.

Chapter 8: High-level design

Goal: Proficiency in high-level system design.

Chapter 9: Low-level design

Goal: Proficiency in low-level system design.

Who’s with me on this journey? Let’s level up together! 🚀đŸ’Ș

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