Some women are born to enjoy life as solitary bees | Letters

Some women are born to enjoy life as solitary bees | Letters

Readers respond to Tara Judah’s article about her difficulty in forming female friendships, and her happiness in her own company

Upon reading Tara Judah’s article, I felt relief (I stopped chasing the Hollywood vision of female friendship – and embraced the person I am, 13 May). I am in my late 30s and find myself in the same position, where strong female friendship groups have eluded me. I know the familiar feeling of hope when I’m at a new event, or in a new job or a new place to live, only for that to be crushed.

I often find myself concluding that it is because I am weird, or too quiet, or not interesting. However, the lack of a strong female group in my life doesn’t bother me when I am home; it is only when the inevitable Monday morning office question of “So what did you do at the weekend?” is asked, and I am embarrassed that my answer is only about what I did with my partner or family, or the six-monthly meetups with my few friends far and wide.

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