Libs of TikTok creator will quit social media once ‘gender ideology is eradicated from our society’

Libs of TikTok creator will quit social media once ‘gender ideology is eradicated from our society’

Chaya Raichik, who runs the popular Libs of TikTok social media empire, is proud to be loathed by her critics and hopes to shut down her platforms once “gender ideology is eradicated from our society.”

Libs of TikTok has 3.1 million followers on X alone, with hundreds of thousands of additional passionate followers across other relevant social media platforms. Raichik has emerged as one of social media’s most influential conservatives by reposting far-left content to put a spotlight on what she considers over-the-top, extreme liberal ideology that often has to do with LGBTQ causes and education. 

Along the way, Raichik has been the subject of critical pieces from legacy news organizations and is regularly labeled transphobic by online critics. 

“I think that you can judge a lot about a person by their enemies, and the people that attack me constantly, call me names and slurs, and write hit pieces on me. These are the people that are pro-genital mutilation of children. They want porn in schools. They want grown men to dress half naked and shake their body parts in front of children,” Raichik told Fox News Digital


“I would actually be very concerned if they liked me,” she continued. “So, I’m glad that they attack me.”  

Raichik said she was never particularly interested in politics, and didn’t use social media until she was out of work during the COVID-19 pandemic and found herself with extra time on her hands. She began exploring TikTok and was entertained by liberals who used the platform.

“I was like, ‘OK, these are funny, and I’m going to share them with the rest of the world.’ So, originally it started just COVID-related TikToks. I would just find people, you know, like praising, Dr. Fauci, singing about masks and vaccines, throwing toddlers off of planes for not wearing masks, having meltdowns over COVID,” she said. 

Raichik had no idea she was on a path to internet stardom. 

“Once I was on TikTok, I came across the whole other section, which was all of the groomers, the activist teachers, the doctors, the mental health professionals pushing gender ideology and what they call gender-affirming care,” she said.  

“Of course, there was also a lot of anti-American sentiments and anti-White racism. And I just felt like people had to know what was going on,” Raichik continued. “I started sharing those, and then the account just exploded.”

As for the @LibsofTikTok handle, Raichik said she didn’t think about it too much.

“I saw these videos and it was libs, right? Like liberals… basically I was only posting TikToks. Now I post other content, too, but it started out with just TikToks, and it just came to me… I didn’t really think too deeply into it. I was just like, ‘Oh, these are libs’ TikToks. Libs of TikTok,’” she said.

“That’s how it was born,” Raichik said, noting that she doesn’t limit herself to repurposing TikTok content.  

“It is anything to expose the radical left and gender ideology and wokeness and all that stuff,” she said. 

Raichik has received death threats, been slapped with X’s Community Notes, suspended from platforms and was famously doxxed by Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz after attempting to remain anonymous. She admits she probably wouldn’t have chosen to reveal her identity if it was up to her, but now that her name is public, she’s trying to embrace it to “continue the mission.”

“The goal is to really stop the sexualization of children and to expose the radical left. So, now I can do that as a public figure,” she said. 

Raichik now creates content full-time on social media and Substack and has assembled a “small, incredible staff.” Earlier this year, she was appointed to the Oklahoma State Department of Education’s (OSDE) Library Media Advisory Committee (LMAC).

“We are just always looking for any kind of groomers and predators and hypocrisy and lies from the Left to expose,” she said. 


Raichik believes social media is critical for the fight against far-left ideology and said the types of issues she has exposed flew under the radar for decades before independent journalists were able to put a spotlight on them using platforms such as X. But while most social media influencers crave the attention that comes with millions of followers, Raichik hopes she’s able to eventually “become irrelevant.”

“When gender ideology is eradicated from our society, then I won’t have any more content and I’ll happily shut down,” Raichik said. 

“I don’t anticipate that happening anytime soon because the Left are so insane,” she added. “I started this because there was a need, and if there’s no need anymore, then I will happily stop.”

Fox News Digital’s Joshua Q. Nelson and Nora Moriarty contributed to this report. 

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