Building an AI-Powered Interview Preparation Platform: A Developer’s Journey🔥

Building an AI-Powered Interview Preparation Platform: A Developer’s Journey🔥

Hey DEV Community! 👋 I’m excited to share a project I’ve been working on: an AI-powered interview preparation platform. This tool helps users practice for job interviews using AI-generated feedback. Here’s an overview of the project and some technical insights.

Project Overview

The platform allows users to:

Answer mock interview questions via voice or text input
Receive AI-generated feedback on their responses
Get a detailed analysis of their strengths and areas for improvement

Tech Stack

Frontend: Nextjs with Javascript

AI Model: Google Gemini AI model for interview analysis

Speech-to-Text: react-hook-speech-to-text NPM package used for voice to text

Key Challenges and Solutions

Accurate Speech Recognition

Implemented noise cancellation and used the Web Speech API for better accuracy
Added a text editor for users to correct any transcription errors

Real-time AI Analysis

Used web workers to run the AI model in the background, ensuring a responsive UI
Implemented a queue system to handle multiple requests efficiently

Personalized Question Selection

Developed an algorithm to dynamically select questions based on user performance and job role

Data Privacy

Implemented end-to-end encryption for voice data
Used tokenization to anonymize user data for AI training

Link of the Platform: PrepMasterAI

I’d love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, or questions about the project. Have you worked on similar AI-powered tools? What challenges did you face?

Let’s discuss in the comments!

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