Building a Real-Time Collaborative Notes Application with htmx 2.0

Building a Real-Time Collaborative Notes Application with htmx 2.0

Hey everyone! 👋

If you caught my blog last week about Remix and React Router, you know I’ve been diving into new technologies over the weekends. This time, I decided to play around with htmx 2.0, and I came up with a neat little project: a real-time collaborative notes application. Let me tell you all about it! 🚀

What I Built

I built a collaborative notes application where you can add, edit, and delete notes in real-time. The coolest part? All of this is done with minimal JavaScript, thanks to htmx!

Why htmx 2.0?

htmx 2.0 is pretty awesome for a few reasons:

Partial Page Updates: You can update specific parts of a webpage without refreshing the whole thing.

Enhanced Interactivity: It helps you create interactive web apps with less JavaScript.

Simplified Data Handling: Managing data operations dynamically is super easy with htmx.

Key Features

Real-time Updates: Add, edit, and delete notes, and see changes instantly.

Minimal JavaScript: htmx handles dynamic content updates for us.

Server-Side Rendering: Notes are rendered on the server and updated dynamically on the client side.

Code Snippets

Here are some snippets to show how I used htmx:

Adding a New Note:

<form id=“add-note-form” hx-post=“/add-note” hx-swap=“beforeend:#notes-list” class=“add-note-form”>
<input type=“text” name=“title” placeholder=“Note Title” required>
<textarea name=“content” placeholder=“Note Content” required></textarea>
<button type=“submit”>Add Note</button>

This form uses htmx’s hx-post to send the new note to the server and hx-swap to append the note to the list without reloading the page.

Editing a Note:

<button class=“edit-button” hx-get=“/edit-note/${}”>Edit</button>

The edit button sends a GET request to fetch the edit form for a specific note, allowing in-place editing.

Deleting a Note:

<button class=“delete-button” hx-delete=“/delete-note/${}”>Delete</button>

The delete button sends a DELETE request to remove the note, instantly updating the UI.

Project Structure

index.html: The main HTML file.

server.js: A simple Express.js server to handle requests.

style.css: Basic styling for the application.

You can find the complete code for this project on my GitHub repository.


This project was a lot of fun and showcased the power of htmx 2.0 for creating dynamic web applications. I hope you find this project as exciting as I did!

Check out the screenshot below to see the app in action:

Happy coding! ✹

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