A CSS-only game playable with keyboard! 🤯 (No, you are not dreaming)

A CSS-only game playable with keyboard! 🤯 (No, you are not dreaming)

You think it’s a clickbait title or it’s a joke but No! I created a CSS-only game that you can play using your keyboard. No hidden JavaScript and 100% CSS Magic.

Enjoy the first-ever CSS-only game playable using the keyboard! 🥳

Super CSS Mario

👉 Start a New Game 👈

If you prefer here is a codepen link and it’s a chrome-only experimentation (like all the cool stuff).

Record yourself and show me your best attempt👇 (No screenshots and no cheating 😈)

Share it so that people know what is possible using modern CSS features or if you want another argument against the “CSS is not a programming language” 😜

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