Announcing an Open-Source 200-JavaScript Project List

RMAG news

Hello everyone,

I’m excited to share an extensive list of 200 JavaScript projects that I’ve curated to help developers of all levels improve their skills. Whether you’re a beginner looking to build your first app or an advanced developer seeking challenging projects, this list has something for everyone.

Why Open-Source?

Open-sourcing this list allows the community to benefit from a diverse range of project ideas, contribute their own suggestions, and collaborate on creating even more innovative projects. By working together, we can enhance our collective knowledge and build better tools for learning and development.

What’s Included?

The list is categorized into three main levels to cater to different skill sets:

Beginner Level: Simple projects like a to-do list app, calculator, and countdown timer to get you started.

Intermediate Level: More complex applications like a real-time chat app, personal finance dashboard, and weather station with charts.

Advanced Level: Challenging projects such as a full-stack e-commerce platform, real-time collaboration tool, and AI-based recommendation system.

Additionally, there are niche and creative projects for those looking to explore unique and fun ideas.

How to Access and Contribute

The project list is hosted on GitHub where you can find all the project ideas along with descriptions and links to resources that can help you get started.

Here’s how you can get involved:

Clone the Repository: Start by cloning the repository to your local machine.

Pick a Project: Choose a project that interests you and start building!

Contribute: Have an idea for a new project or improvements to existing ones? Feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.

Share Your Work: Showcase your completed projects on social media using the hashtag #JSPracticeProjects.

Let’s Collaborate!

I believe in the power of community and collaboration. By sharing this list, I hope to create a space where developers can learn, grow, and support each other. I’m looking forward to seeing the amazing projects you build!

Check out the project list on GitHub: JavaScript Practice Projects

Happy coding!

Promotion Tips

Social Media: Share the this repos on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Use relevant hashtags like #JavaScript, #OpenSource, and #WebDevelopment.

Developer Communities: Post on platforms like, Hashnode, and Reddit.

Networking: Reach out to fellow developers and ask them to share post.