Assassin’s Creed Shadows will make you actually take in the nice views from its tower-top sync points

Assassin’s Creed Shadows will make you actually take in the nice views from its tower-top sync points

Well, Assassin’s Creed Shadows got its reveal trailer yesterday, and it looks pretty fun. There are two protagonists with different playstyles, plenty of history at play, and – shock horror – the game’s made a change to the series’ iconic rooftop sync points that sounds like it’ll force you to actually take in the nice views they offer.

If you’re out of the loop, Shadows is the game formerly known as Codename Red, and will be the first AC game set in Japan. It’s set to come out on November 15 and tells the story of two fighters negotiating the trials and tribulations of the Sengoku period – Naoe and Yasuke.

As revealed by the game’s developers in an interview with IGN, one of the changes Shadows is brining to the traditional AC formula of ‘go somewhere with historical signficance, stab someone, profit’ concerns the iconic sychronisation points you usually find atop towers or in other places people suffering from vertigo fear to tread.

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