AWS Solution Architect professional certification exam preparation- SAP-C02 (2024)

AWS Solution Architect professional certification exam preparation- SAP-C02 (2024)


Took SAA-C02 in 2021
50% discount voucher so the cost of SAP-C02 exam is $150
Do some projects related to AWS (Services used: EC2, S3, RDS, VPC endpoint, Apprunner, Cloudwatch,…)

2.Exam review

Learn start date is December 27, 2023
Go to work 8 hours in the morning (sometimes I’m too sad to still look up and study), come back to eat and sleep until 9:00 pm and study from 10:00 pm to 2:00 am (~ 4 hours/day).
Lucky enough to learn 4 training courses directly from AWS. Each course lasts 3 days (~96 hours of study). Courses studied include: Cloud Operations on AWS, Developing on AWS, Security Engineering on AWS, AWS Cloud for Finance Professionals.

Use Tutorials Dojo’s AWS Cheat Sheets to systematize knowledge
Use AWS-SAP-C02-Study-Guide on github.
Read the reviews of previous test takers in the group and on medium to see the test content.
Use labs in the courses mentioned above for practice + projects.
Examtopic exam (should choose SAP-C01 to see more questions – free first 25 pages about 250 questions + SAP-C02). You should look up the original AWS documentation and see the discussions below because the original answer is 80% wrong.

3.Take the exam

Exam date May 7, 2024 (more than 4 months to prepare for the exam)
Exam time 190 minutes (10 minutes remaining + forgot to register for an additional 30 minutes)
Exam location at Trainocate center in Hoang Cau.
You should not drink water during the exam because you sit for too long!


Pass, get an additional 50% discount voucher for the next test.

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