Bumpy arms begone! I have found exfoliating lotions for all skin types | Sali Hughes on beauty

Bumpy arms begone! I have found exfoliating lotions for all skin types | Sali Hughes on beauty

If you’re still mourning the loss of Soap & Glory’s Sugar Crush, these new body moisturisers should be on your list

There are some discontinued products that one misses if not like dead relatives, then at least like old flames. Such has been the case with the now-deceased Soap & Glory’s Sugar Crush Body Lotion, about which I receive at least a handful of desperate reader messages a week.

This was a non-greasy, quickly absorbed body lotion that simultaneously moisturised and painlessly sloughed off dead, flaky grey skin and, unlike most other exfoliating body lotions, smelled pleasantly of limes rather than soggy biscuits in sour milk.

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