Canceled Batman Game From Monolith Featured Nemesis System, Arkham Series Style Combat and More

Canceled Batman Game From Monolith Featured Nemesis System, Arkham Series Style Combat and More

Monolith Productions, the team behind Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War, had a Batman game in production that was ultimately canceled by publisher Warner Bros. Interactive. The canceled game, which was codenamed Project Apollo as reported by SpideyRanger on X/Twitter, was an open-world game where players could traverse Gotham City by either gliding, using the grappling hook seen in the Arkham series, or using the Batmobile. The game also featured some investigative elements, multiple gadgets, stealth sequences, and a combat system inspired by the Arkham series. Interestingly enough, the Nemesis system made popular by the Monolith-developed games set […]

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