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Tailwind Handbook – Part II

Review Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides a set of pre-defined CSS classes. Instead of writing traditional CSS rules, developers assemble layouts and styles directly in HTML using these utility classes. In this post, let’s go through examples of basic components implemented with the support of Tailwind CSS. For more of the…

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RMAG news

Variadic Functions in C

Introduction C has always used functions that can take a varying number of arguments — variadic functions — printf() being the primary example. Originally, C had no way for you to implement your own variadic functions portably. When function prototypes were back-ported from C++ to C, it included syntax for declaring variadic functions, for example:…

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RMAG news

Pandas reset_index(): How To Reset Indexes in Pandas

In data analysis, managing the structure and layout of data before analyzing them is crucial. Python offers versatile tools to manipulate data, including the often-used Pandas reset_index() method. This article provides an in-depth exploration of the Pandas reset_index() method, explaining its importance, usage, and the scenarios where it’s useful. What is Pandas reset_index() and when…

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RMAG news

Mastering Code Review: A Guide for Reviewers and PR Creators

Code reviews are essential for maintaining code quality, fostering collaboration, and ensuring that best practices are followed throughout the development process. However, conducting effective code reviews requires more than just looking for bugs or syntax errors. It involves assessing the code from various perspectives to ensure it meets both technical and non-technical criteria. This document…

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React: You Might Not Need Another Library

React: You Might Not Need Another Library

In the React ecosystem, it’s easy to fall into the temptation of integrating a myriad of libraries to enhance functionality and simplify development. However, this often leads to an overload of dependencies and more challenging code management. In this brief reflection, we’ll explore the concept that in many situations, you might not need to add…

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Glam Up My Markup » Earth Day Celebration Landing Page

Glam Up My Markup » Earth Day Celebration Landing Page

This is a submission for Frontend Challenge v24.04.17, Glam Up My Markup: Earth Day Celebration Landing Page What I Built An ordinary landing page like every other landing page you’ve ever seen with simple mindset. It ain’t much but an honest work :] Source code https://gitlab.com/ndt-challenge/dev.to/frontend-240417/-/tree/bcca5c5840eb487af7378ea20f84016bcd02e443/Glam%20Up%20My%20Markup Demo https://ndt-challenge.gitlab.io/dev.to/frontend-240417/glam-up-my-markup Dev.to image upload has too many restriction…

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RMAG news

How to combine BigQuery with DuckDB

This blog post will discuss the benefits of integrating Google BigQuery, a leading data warehouse solution, with DuckDB, an embedded analytical database. This powerful combination can enhance your data analysis processes by offering the best of both worlds: BigQuery’s massive scalability and DuckDB’s agility for quick and on-the-fly queries. Before we start, here is a…

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