RMAG news

Happy Earth Day🌍

This is a submission for Frontend Challenge v24.04.17, CSS Art: Earth Day. Inspiration The Inspiration for this came from the feeling that we are living on EARTH, and we do not own the EARTH. So we should take care of EARTH and give it something in return for what it has given to us. Demo…

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RMAG news

Laravel: autowire contracts or facades

I’m coming from the Symfony framework where interface autowiring is build-in. It is tiresome that you need to use app binding in a ServiceProvider. So I wrote a function that can be added to a ServiceProvider boot method. private function bindContracts(): void { $contractsPath = __DIR__ . ‘/../Contracts’; $Directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($contractsPath); $Iterator = new…

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RiotJS Routes

RiotJS Routes

This article covers creating a Riot app coupled with Riot-Route, Riot’s official client-side routing solution. Before starting, make sure you have a base application running, or read my previous article Setup Riot + BeerCSS + Vite. Client-side routing links the browser URL with the content on the page. When a user navigates the Riot application,…

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RMAG news

Data Structures: A Comprehensive Introduction

A data structure is a specialized format for organizing, processing, retrieving, and storing data. It’s like a blueprint that dictates how data elements are arranged and connected. Different data structures excel at different tasks. Some, like arrays, are fantastic for storing large collections of similar data with quick random access. Others, like linked lists, shine…

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RMAG news

Starting Small: A Beginner’s Diary

Newbie Alert! 🚀 Hey everyone! I’m Dinesh Nadar, and I’ve decided to start writing blog to document my journey as a newbie software developer… Why? Well, because I’ve always been the curious type! I’ve spent hours tinkering with gadgets and exploring the digital world, and now I’m ready to dive deeper. This blog will be…

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