ChatGPT is coming to your iPhone. These are the four reasons why it’s happening far too early | Chris Stokel-Walker

ChatGPT is coming to your iPhone. These are the four reasons why it’s happening far too early | Chris Stokel-Walker

The AI’s errors can still be comical and catastrophic. Do we really want this technology to be in so many pockets?

Tech watchers and nerds like me get excited by tools such as ChatGPT. They look set to improve our lives in many ways – and hopefully augment our jobs rather than replace them.

But in general, the public hasn’t been so enamoured of the AI “revolution”. Make no mistake: artificial intelligence will have a transformative effect on how we live and work – it is already being used to draft legal letters and analyse lung-cancer scans. ChatGPT was also the fastest-growing app in history after it was released. That said, four in 10 Britons haven’t heard of ChatGPT, according to a recent survey by the University of Oxford, and only 9% use it weekly or more frequently.

Chris Stokel-Walker is the author of How AI Ate the World, which was published last month

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