Cropped out, banned, airbrushed: the school photos that show the ugly face of Britain today | Frances Ryan

Cropped out, banned, airbrushed: the school photos that show the ugly face of Britain today | Frances Ryan

Behind the erasure of disabled children lies the frightening belief that they don’t belong in ‘perfect’ pictures – or public spaces

There is a difference between being shocked and being surprised. I thought of that as I read the news that disabled children had been “erased” from their class photo in a primary school in Aberdeenshire.

A photographer is said to have taken separate pictures: one with the children with “additional needs” and one without. Parents were then given both versions to choose from. Reportedly, a set of twins was split up. The child who uses a wheelchair was excluded from one photo, while their twin, who isn’t disabled, was photographed with the rest of the class.

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