Day 8: Objects

RMAG news

Another day, another metaphorical brick wall in this labyrinthine code. Objects. They seem simple enough at first, like little digital filing cabinets. But there’s always something lurking beneath the surface, some hidden complexity waiting to trip you up. Keys gotta be strings, even numbers? Order doesn’t matter? Talk about a control freak system.

Fought with that damn fitBit data for an hour. Had everything labeled perfectly, then tried to access a key with a number and…bam. Errors. Just errors.

There are some bright spots, at least. Nested objects and arrays. Now that’s what I’m talking about. Like a whole damn filing cabinet inside another filing cabinet. Spooky, but powerful. Makes you wonder what kind of crazy data structures these wizards have cooked up. Maybe that’s the next rabbit hole.

Ugh, gotta get some sleep. Maybe a walk first. Clear my head. This digital world can get suffocating sometimes. Gotta remember there’s a real world out there, even if it is a mess too.

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