Day 968 : Find A Way

Day 968 : Find A Way

liner notes:

Professional : Was in meetings for the majority of the day. In between, I was able to work on refactoring a project, responded to some community questions and created a ticket for an upcoming trip. The day went by super quick!

Personal : Yo! I made some pretty great progress on the in-browser highlight video creator project. The reason it was taking so long before to create the video was because it was re-encoding everything. I found a command that will just copy the audio and video. The video is created SO MUCH faster now. I also figured out how to create blank videos and add them to the front and end of the video. Now I need to find a way to add text to them. Once I get that done, I’ll be pretty happy with it and can call it complete (for now. haha). Also, went through some tracks for the radio show and looked at some land.

Going to see if I can get the text added to the blank slides in my highlight video creator. Then I’m going to go through some more tracks. I really need to finish up this logo so I can move forward with this project. Cool. Got my game plan.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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