Different Ways to Import Files in a Node.js Project

Rmag Breaking News


In my last interview, the interviewer asked me about “Different Ways to Import Files in a Node.js Project”

There are many ways to import files, and I was familiar with all of them, but I could only recall three ways at that moment.

So, In this blog we’ll know some ways to import the files in a Node.js Project.

Using require()

This is the most common way to import files in Node.js.
We use require() followed by the path to the file we want to import.

const myModule = require(./myModule);

Using import (ES6)

With newer versions of Node.js and when using ECMAScript Modules (ESM), we can use the import keyword.

import myModule from ./myModule;

Using module.exports and require

When we want to export multiple things from a file in Node.js, we can use module.exports to export an object containing those things.
Then, we use require() to import that object and access its properties.

// In myModule.js
module.exports = {
myFunction: function() {
// Function code here
myVariable: Hello

// In another file
const myModule = require(./myModule);

Using export and import (ES6)

Similar to module.exports and require(), we can use export to export multiple things from a file and import to import them.

// In myModule.js
export const myFunction = function() {
// Function code here

export const myVariable = Hello;

// In another file
import { myFunction, myVariable } from ./myModule;

These are the main ways to import files in a Node.js project. Each method has its use cases, so it’s essential to understand them to choose the right one for your project.


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