Django: Using models

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From: MDN Web Docs


Python objects
Define the data structure
Independent from the database schema
Facilitate communication between Django and the database via
Object-Relational Mapper

Designing Models

Create separate models for every object. Models can also be used to represent selection-list options.

Consider the relationships between objects. Relationships include:

one to one (OneToOneField)
one to many (ForeignKey)
many to many (ManyToManyField)

Multiplicities: the maximum and minimum number of each model that may be present in the relationship.

Model definition

Defined in

Implemented as subclasses of django.db.models.Model

Can include fields, methods and metadata


A model has fields that represent columns in a database table.
Each record (row) in the table contains values for these fields.
Field types are assigned with classes, which determine the type of record that is used to store the data in the database.
Field types can be used for HTML form validation.

Field Arguments

other fields for different types of numbers

ForeignKey specifies one-to-many relationship to another database model

Declare model-level metadata with class Meta

Useful for controlling the ordering of records returned by queries
Other metadata options control the database used for the model and how the data is stored



Python class method
Returns a human-readable string representation of the object
The string represents individual records


Returns a URL for displaying individual model records

Model management

Use model classes to create, update, or delete records, and to run queries.

Creating and modifying records

Create a record by instantiating the model and using the model’s constructor.
Then call save() to save the object to the database.
Access fields in the record using dot notation.
Search for records using the model’s objects attribute

The full list of lookups:

Making queries:


Defining the LocalLibrary Models

At the top of /django-locallibrary-tutorial/catalog/, the boilerplate imports the models module, which provides the models.Model base class that our models inherit from.

Genre model

Stores information about the book genre
A single CharField field is used to describe the genre
Limited to 200 characters
Has some help_text

Set tounique=True

One record for each genre

a __str__() method returns the name of the genre

get_absolute_url() method used to access a detail record

Book model

Represents all the general information about an available book

CharField to represent the book’s title and isbn.
unique as true ensures all books have a unique ISBN
title is not set to be unique, because it is possible for different books to have the same name.

TextField for longer summary

ManyToManyField a book can have multiple genres and a genre can have many books

In both field types:

The related model class is declared as the first unnamed parameter

using either the model class
or a string containing the name of the related model

Use the name of the model as a string if the associated class has not yet been defined in this file before it is referenced

null=True allows the database to store a Null value if no author is selected

on_delete=models.RESTRICT prevents the book’s associated author being deleted if it is referenced by any book


By default on_delete=models.CASCADE

If the author was deleted, this book would be deleted too! – – Use RESTRICT or PROTECT to prevent the author being deleted while any book uses it
or SET_NULL to set the book’s author to Null if the record is deleted

__str__() uses the book’s title field to represent a Book record

get_absolute_url() returns a URL used to access a detail record

BookInstance model

Represents a specific copy of a book
Includes information about whether the copy is available
The date expected back
version details
unique id for the book in the library

ForeignKey identifies the associated Book

each book can have many copies
a copy can only have one Book

on_delete=models.RESTRICT ensures the Book cannot be deleted while referenced by a BookInstance

CharField represents the specific release

UUIDField for the id field to set it as the primary_key
This allocates a globally unique value for each instance

DateField for the due_back date
status CharField defines a choice/selection list

str() uses a combination of its unique id and title

Re-run the database migrations

After models have now been created, re-run database migrations to add them to the database.

python3 makemigrations
python3 migrate