Frontend resources! 🚀

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🚀 Supercharge Your Development with These Resources! 🚀

👋 Hello everyone! 👋

I’m thrilled to share this collection of resources I’ve gathered over time, which have been a lifesaver in many of the projects I’ve worked on. This compilation brings together a variety of tools and libraries spanning from user interface creation to performance optimization and beyond. I hope you can also make the most out of some of these wonderful resources. Let’s dive right in!


Material Tailwind: A robust UI kit combining Material Design and Tailwind CSS

Aceternity UI: Sleek and modern UI components for your next project

NextUI: Craft beautiful interfaces effortlessly with NextUI

ChakraUI: A simple, modular, and accessible component library

Trading view Charts: Power up your data visualization game with lightweight charts from TradingView

AutoAnimate: Easily create stunning animations with AutoAnimate

React-magic-motion: Add a touch of magic to your React components

Keep React: Keep your React components fresh and stylish

Daisy UI: Create delightful interfaces with Daisy UI

ShadCn: Elevate your UI with sleek and elegant components

Clip path: Get creative with shapes using Clippy

Radix: Build powerful and composable UIs with Radix

Layout generator: Design flexible layouts with ease

Utilities: A handy toolkit for gradients, cursors, and more

Image Generator: Instantly spruce up your designs with high-quality images

Buttons: Button up your UIs with style

PrimeReact: Prime components for your React applications

Everything in one page: Explore a curated collection of resources


Firecms: Dynamic gradients for your projects

Shadergradient: Create stunning shader gradients effortlessly


Shapes: Beautiful SVG shapes for your designs

SVGs: Discover a vast collection of SVGs

SVG Illustrations: Add life to your projects with illustrations from Undraw


Sliders — Swiper: Swipe through content seamlessly

Notificaciones con Toast — Sonner: Toast notifications made easy

Elementos 3D — Atropos: Add immersive 3D elements to your projects

Auto Animate JS Nativo: Effortlessly animate elements with vanilla JavaScript

Vaul (Slider desde abajo): Elevate your sliders with Vaul

Videos performance optimizer: Optimize video performance with Lite YouTube Web Component

Calendario: Streamline your scheduling process

Contrast picker: Ensure accessibility with Coolors’ contrast checker

Image optimizer: Squoosh your images for better performance


Animations: Add flair to your UIs with Tailwind CSS Animated

Intersection Observer: Tailwind CSS Intersect for observing intersections

Backgrounds: Spruce up your backgrounds with ease


Masonry Grid: Create dynamic grid layouts with ease

MiniMasonry: A lightweight alternative for masonry layouts

Gallery PhotoSwipe: Showcase your images elegantly with PhotoSwipe

Gallery LightGallery: LightGallery for stunning image galleries

Tempo: Simplify time-based operations with Tempo

Tippy (Tooltips): Enhance user experience with customizable tooltips

Intersection Observer: A guide to Intersection Observer for efficient scrolling

Infinite Scroll: Implement infinite scrolling effortlessly

Just: A library for common JavaScript utilities

GLTFs into JSX: Convert GLTF files into JSX components


Counter: Count up your numbers dynamically

Masonry layout: Build responsive masonry layouts in React

Drag and Drop: Effortlessly implement drag and drop functionality

FilePond: Simplify file uploads with FilePond

Faker: Generate realistic fake data with Faker

Random: Spice up your projects with random words

Charts: Visualize data beautifully with Chart.js

UseSound: Incorporate sound effects into your React apps

ReCharts: Charting library built on React components

Floating UI (Tooltips): Floating UI for interactive tooltips

Tippy (Tooltips): Tippy.js for React applications

Calendar: Another calendar resource for all your scheduling needs

CMDK Console: A console for your React applications