Full Trailer for ‘Ultraman: Rising’ Animated Movie Made by ILM & Netflix

Full Trailer for ‘Ultraman: Rising’ Animated Movie Made by ILM & Netflix

“Ultraman – do your job!” Netflix has unveiled the full official trailer for Ultraman: Rising, a brand new animated take on Ultraman from director Shannon Tindle (also of Kubo and “Lost Ollie”). This has been in development for years at ILM, with the VFX house handling most of the key animation, along side Netflix Animation & Tsuburaya Productions. Based on the classic Japanese mecha superhero of the same name, this Ultraman movie is a fresh update made for American audiences (there’s already the Ultraman anime series on Netflix to watch as well). Ken Sato is a superstar baseball player who returns to Japan to become the latest hero to carry the mantle of Ultraman. His plans go awry, however, when he ends up raising a newborn kaiju monster as his own kid. Staring Christopher Sean, Tamlyn Tomita, Gedde Watanabe, Keone Young, and Julia Harriman. This is a fantastic trailer that really sets up the vibe of this movie, which is kid friendly with this adorable kaiju, but it still looks like everyone can enjoy it. Don’t write this off! Dive in. // Continue Reading ›