Go Vs Node Vs Python Vs PHP. Do you context switch?

RMAG news

I do context-switching a lot. I manage a large architecture with various moving parts in multiple languages.

There is this old JS node script that I needed to make changes to, I get the need for TypeScript but I just don’t have the time to rewrite the whole thing.

Nonetheless, man! “async await”, nearly the whole script everywhere, it’s ugly and disrupts my flow.

Python on the other hand is a lot better, but maybe I haven’t installed the right vscode extensions. The type-hinting sucks! In a large project, I constantly forget the field names, and also lack of interfaces is a bit annoying.

PHP, which I enjoy, is still one of my favorite languages (Is my second language after C# so very fond of it) but yeah constantly forget the needle/haystack thing, and Laravel keeps getting more and more bloated.

Golang! The mighty Golang, something about structs and the formatting package. I just open Vscode and voila! Logic just flows into code like poetry.

Nearly all of what I need is in the standard lib, and the IntelliSense just works. The package manager is also quite efficient, just “go mod tidy” and everything is downloaded and ready within seconds.

Finally! “go run build”, and deploy! Done! Nothing to install or configure, even if I am using drivers like MongoDB or MySQL, the host machine doesn’t need apt packages.

How’s your experience with these languages?

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