Hosting a Custom Login and Registration UI with AWS Amplify and AWS Cognito

Hosting a Custom Login and Registration UI with AWS Amplify and AWS Cognito

We will walk through the steps to adopt a custom login and registration user interface (UI) using AWS Amplify and AWS Cognito. AWS Amplify is a powerful tool that provides simplified framework for developing and running cloud-powered applications, while AWS Cognito provides secure authentication with user management. By the end of this guide, you will have a custom login and registration UI implemented and connected to AWS Cognito for user authentication.

Step-by-Step Guide

Begin by installing the AWS Amplify CLI globally on your system. This will enable you to interact with Amplify services from the command line.

npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli

Configure AWS Amplify

Set up the Amplify CLI with your AWS credentials. Follow the prompts to configure your AWS account.

amplify configure

Initialize Amplify in Your Project

Initialize an Amplify project in your React application.

amplify init

Add Authentication with AWS Cognito

Add authentication to your Amplify project using AWS Cognito.

amplify add auth

Deploy Changes

Push your changes to the cloud. This will configure AWS Cognito and other backend resources.

amplify push

Install Required Packages

Install AWS Amplify and the Amplify UI components for React.

npm install aws-amplify @aws-amplify/ui-react

Start Your React Application

Run your React application locally.

npm start

Initialize a Git Repository

Initialize a Git repository.

git init

Commit Your Changes

Stage and commit your changes with an initial commit message.

git add .
git commit -m “Initial commit”

Set Up Git Branch

git branch -M main

Connect to Remote Repository

Add a remote repository URL to your Git configuration.

git remote add origin <repository URL>

Push Changes to Remote Repository

Push your commits to the remote repository.

git push -u origin main

Access AWS Amplify Console

Log in to the AWS Management Console.
Navigate to the AWS Amplify Console.

Connect Your Repository

In the Amplify Console, click on “Get Started” under the “Deploy” section.
Choose your repository provider (e.g., GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, AWS CodeCommit).
Authenticate and authorize AWS Amplify to access your repository.

Configure the Build Settings

Choose the repository you want to connect.
Select the branch you want to deploy (usually master).

Save and Deploy

Click “Save and Deploy”. AWS Amplify will start the deployment process, building and deploying your application based on the configuration provided.


By integrating AWS Amplify with your CI/CD pipeline, you automate the process of building, testing, and deploying your React application. This setup streamlines your development workflow and ensures that changes are quickly and reliably reflected in your live environment.

If you need further customization or have specific requirements, consult the AWS Amplify documentation for more detailed information on advanced CI/CD configurations and best practices.

Diagram showing the CI/CD workflow.

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