How to add profile view counter to your GitHub profile in 3 steps

How to add profile view counter to your GitHub profile in 3 steps

Hello there 😊

In this post you will learn how to setup profile view in only 3 steps.

So let’s begin! 😃

1. Create a new repository

Note: Please ensure that your username on GitHub matches the repository name. For example, my username is perisicnikola37 on GitHub, so I named my repository like that. If you encounter an error warning, such as the one on below image, stating that the repository already exists, you can safely disregard it.

2. Go to your repository

You can access the newly created repository by entering this URL into your web browser’s address bar:

Note: Change perisicnikola37 to your actual GitGub username

3. Edit file

All you need to include in it is the following line of code:

![Profile view counter on GitHub](

Note: Similar to the second step, replace perisicnikola37 with your actual GitHub username

Done 🚀

Now, visit your GitHub profile page by entering the following URL into your browser’s address bar: -> change your username

Voila! 🎉

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