How to Fix “OpenSlide Library Not Found” Error by Updating .zshrc on macOS

RMAG news

When working with digital pathology images in Python using the OpenSlide library, you might encounter an error where Python can’t find the necessary library files. This problem typically occurs when your Python environment does not have the correct system paths configured to locate dynamic libraries installed elsewhere on your system, such as those installed via Homebrew.

This issue can arise from the isolated nature of Python environments, which are designed to maintain dependency consistency by separating themselves from system-wide settings and libraries. For example, even though OpenSlide may be installed correctly on your macOS via Homebrew, the Python interpreter running from an environment might fail to locate it because it doesn’t by default check the directories where Homebrew installs libraries.

Step 1: Open Your .zshrc File
Your .zshrc file contains configuration for your terminal environment. You’ll add a line to this file to specify where macOS should look for the OpenSlide libraries.

Open Terminal on your macOS.
Enter the following command to open your .zshrc file in the nano text editor:

nano ~/.zshrc

Step 2: Add the OpenSlide Library Path
In the nano editor, you’ll add a line that sets and exports the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. This variable tells the system dynamic linker where to find dynamically linked libraries at runtime.

Scroll to the end of the file using your arrow keys.
Add the following line at the end of the file:

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=”$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/homebrew/Cellar/openslide/4.0.0/lib”

This line appends the path to the OpenSlide libraries installed via Homebrew to the existing DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Step 3: Save Changes and Exit
Once you’ve added the line:

Press Ctrl+O to write your changes to the file.
Press Enter to confirm.
Press Ctrl+X to exit nano.

Step 4: Apply the Changes
For the changes to take effect in your current terminal session, you need to source the .zshrc file. This can be done without restarting the terminal by running:

source ~/.zshrc

Step 5: Verify the Changes
To make sure that the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH has been updated, you can print its value in the terminal:


This command should show the path to the OpenSlide libraries, confirming that your environment variable has been successfully updated.

You have now successfully configured your macOS environment to include the OpenSlide library path! This should resolve any issues with Python not being able to find the OpenSlide libraries, allowing you to proceed with your analysis work without further interruptions. This setup ensures your tools have the necessary access to perform their tasks.

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