How to use React Context API with npm library

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Hi. I am writing an admin project package with React. there are Auth operations in this package. I can access the conxtex by saying useAuth in the components in the package, but the context data does not come properly in the project using the package. I think there is a problem here due to packaging. Exactly how can I solve it, I don’t want to take the Provider out and provide it in the components where the package is used.


const initialAuthState = {
user: null, // or any initial state you want
isAuthenticated: false,

// Create a context with the initial state
export const AuthContext = createContext({
authState: initialAuthState,
setAuthState: () => {}

// AuthProvider component to provide auth state to its children
export const AuthProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [authState, setAuthState] = useState(initialAuthState);

useEffect(() => {
// Example of updating state, replace this with your actual logic
const fetchAuthState = async () => {
// Simulate a fetch or any async operation to get auth data
const newState = {
user: { name: John Doe },
isAuthenticated: true,

}, []);

return (
<AuthContext.Provider value={{ authState, setAuthState }}>

// Custom hook to use the auth context
export const useAuth = () => {
const context = useContext(AuthContext);
if (!context) {
throw new Error(useAuth must be used within an AuthProvider);
return context;

export const Container = ({ children }) => {
return (

export const ExamplePage = () => {
const authData = useAuth();

//the data in this log is coming in correctly.
console.log(authData:, data);
return (
example page

//app.tsx (other project)
import {Container} from my-package

export const App = () => {
return (

import {useAuth} from my-package

export const ListPage = () => {
const authData = useAuth();

console.log(authData:, data);
return (
List page

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