‘I felt like I was losing my mind’: how to keep your career on track during menopause

‘I felt like I was losing my mind’: how to keep your career on track during menopause

So many women get discouraged by memory problems and low confidence that they’d rather quit than struggle on. But awareness is growing, and workplaces can help

When Kate from Pembrokeshire started experiencing vertigo, flooding periods, exhaustion and brain fog at 51, she had no idea what was happening to her. “It was really scary,” she says, “I felt like I was losing my mind.” Working as the general manager of a travel company, she was surrounded by younger colleagues she didn’t feel she could confide in. She recalls sitting at her desk one day thinking, “What is my job?”

She eventually quit, feeling like she couldn’t manage any more. It wasn’t until the hot flushes began after a year that she saw a doctor. “I didn’t know I needed help until I was put on HRT and a miracle occurred – I began to feel like myself.” But it was too late to rescue her working life: she had already given up her job.

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