If Disney wants a live action or animated Kingdom Hearts, the perfect template is already streaming on Disney Plus

If Disney wants a live action or animated Kingdom Hearts, the perfect template is already streaming on Disney Plus

The rumor mill is churning, and one of its latest suggestions is one of those concepts so obvious it’s difficult to believe that it hasn’t happened before: a Kingdom Hearts movie.

It was always difficult to imagine how Disney hadn’t adapted its role-playing partnership with Square Enix into another medium. In a post-Spider-Verse world where everyone is thinking about multiversal crossovers all the time, however, it seems like a total head-scratcher. The base concept of Kingdom Hearts – a swashbuckling adventure that takes an original character on a Magic Kingdom style tour of Disney worlds and properties – feels built for this era.

There’s one part of the rumor I’m not vibing with, however – the idea that this is a movie. Allow me to step back for a moment and make a declarative statement as if I’m king of the universe: if there’s some sort of Kingdom Hearts adaptation, it should be a TV show. And the format of that TV show is already in place on Disney Plus.

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