Into Britain’s angry pulpit steps Rev Vennells, who ran Post Office – to explain why it sent honest people to jail | Marina Hyde

Into Britain’s angry pulpit steps Rev Vennells, who ran Post Office – to explain why it sent honest people to jail | Marina Hyde

Her inquiry appearance has been long awaited. So far, no official has been held accountable for the ruining of so many lives

Strange to think the northern lights have been glimpsed in public more frequently over the past few years than the former Post Office CEO Paula Vennells. I didn’t see the northern lights last week, but I will see Vennells close up next week, when – at very, very long last – she presents herself before the public inquiry into the Horizon scandal.

Polite notice: if your attention has drifted slightly after the fireworks sparked by ITV’s sensational drama Mr Bates vs The Post Office earlier this year, next week is the time to return with laser-like focus to this story. Post Office is once again box office – and remember, NOT ONE PERSON has yet been held accountable for what happened. Alan Bates has just rejected his second “derisory” offer of government compensation.

Marina Hyde is a Guardian columnist

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