Justice, not hatred, drives student protests on Gaza | Letters

Justice, not hatred, drives student protests on Gaza | Letters

Patrick Owen, Dr Gilbert Pugh and Marianne Gemmeke write in support of the university protest camps that began in the US and have spread to the UK and other countries

Re Nesrine Malik’s article (Don’t let the sound and fury over Gaza protests drown out what the students are saying, 6 May | Nesrine Malik ()), the students of Columbia University, and those at about 100 universities throughout the world, have put their futures at risk to secure Palestinian human rights. At least 15 UK campuses have joined in the protests and, in a joint statement by the Oxford and Cambridge University and College Union branches, campaigners have said that they refuse to accept their universities’ complicity in Israel’s attacks on the Palestinian people.

The students are on the right side of history, and governments will need to listen to demands from some for disinvestment in companies sustaining Israel’s tyranny. People have a right to know why their supposedly democratic governments and professed upholders of human rights, international law and the rules-based order are not only failing to uphold them but are undermining them by their support of Israel. This has not diminished despite Israel’s slaughter of nearly 35,000 Palestinians, including almost 15,000 children, since 7 October 2023.
Patrick Owen
Rhayader, Powys

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