My Journey of Programming Life

My Journey of Programming Life


Every programmer’s journey is unique, filled with challenges, moments of clarity and continuous Learning. My journiy to web development started three weeks ago and despite this short time, it had been an exciti
.ang journey. This article is a reflection of some initial steps, hurdles cross and the progress made in learning HTML and CSS.

Three weeks ago, I began my journey into web development. With not prior experience, I dived into HTML and CSS, the building blocks of web design.

At first, understanding the syntax and semantics of HTML and CSS was challenging. The structure of tags i.e the syntax and the cascading style rule i.e the semantics , were confusing and tiring.

Despite the initial hurdles, I kept pushing forward. Like the saying goes ‘the more you look at a thing, the clearer it becomes’. Gradually, things start making sense, and the progress became enjoyable and Interesting.

Learning to Crete web pages became a curious and interesting venture because I always love behind the scene.

Although, still learning HTML and CSS, I’m excited about what lies ahead, the future and my hopes and expectations are high, so high! WOW! My early struggles have strengthen my determination and also the advice for my coaches keeps me going. I look forward to advancing my skills in web development.

In just three weeks, my journey from confusion to clarity In web development have been incredibly rewarding and understandable. I’m excited and eager to continue learning and growing in this field. Amen.