My zsh config

My zsh config

My .zshrc file

to use it make sure u have following dependencies

make sure your terminal support true colours and icons. use nerd fonts for terminal

install dependenices git, zsh, fzf, zoxide, thefuck

# Ubuntu or any debian based distro
sudo apt install zsh git fzf zoxide thefuck

# Arch based distro
yay -S zsh git fzf zoxide thefuck # replace yay with paru if u use paru

# install my .zshrc
git clone
cd dotZshrc
mv ~/.zshrc ~/.zshrc.bak
mv .zshrc ~/

The powerlevel-10k configuration will start automatically, if it doesn’t type p10k configure to start it or reconfigure it.

Make sure to star the repo ⭐