Nicolas Richard, CEO of ENGIE Romania, is the new president of CCIFER

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During the General Assembly held on April 3, in Bucharest, CCIFER members, representatives of the French-Romanian business environment, elected a new structure of the Board of Directors team. Starting from the same date, Nicolas Richard, CEO of ENGIE Romania, is the newly elected president of CCIFER.

The CCIFER Board of Directors team consists of three new members: Fady Chreih, CEO Regina Maria, Elena Pap, CEO Up Romania, and Nicolas Richard, CEO ENGIE Romania. Adriana Mores, assistant manager of NOA TAX Advisors, was elected a member of the Commission of Censors. In the same election, Flavia Popa, General Secretary of BRD Groupe Société Générale, Serge Gonvers, General Manager of Econos, and Mădălina Rdu, APEX TEAM International Partner, were reconfirmed in the Council, as members of the Commission of Censors.

“Thank you for the trust you have given me! Being at the head of one of the most dynamic business communities in Romania is not only a challenge, but also a commitment that I carry forward with great enthusiasm. In the 30 years of French presence in Romania, a strong institutional and business ecosystem has developed, very connected and entrepreneurial, at the level of the entire country. I identify myself culturally and through the business imprint, thanks to the 25 years since I have been in Romania, during which I have included many stops at CCIFER, as a member.

Congratulations to all the candidates and the new Board of Directors team! I thank Adela Jansen, on behalf of the entire collective, for assuming the responsibility of vice-president and interim president, as well as for her outstanding involvement throughout the 9 consecutive years in the Board of Directors, in supporting CCIFER’s directions and strategy. Together with all the members of the Council, with the permanent team, we want to keep the relevant role that CCIFER has in the public-private dialogue about investment opportunities, understanding new business models or accessing skills. I want us to continue working and trace together with the 570 members (companies, NGOs, universities) the trajectory of our economic dynamism, as a factor of social and cultural differentiation in our communities”, said Nicolas Richard, president of CCIFER.

Composition of the CCIFER Board of Directors:

• Cristina Bojica, Lawyer, Gruia Dufaut and Associates

• Costin Borc, Director Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, Groupe SNEF

• Fady Chreih, CEO Regina Maria

• Georgeta Dendrino, Executive Coach Interact Business Communication

• Adrian Drăgan, CEO Romania and Moldova Timac Agro

• Serge Gonvers, Econos General Manager

• Adela Guédon, Orange CFO

• David Jean, President and CEO Europe and Asia, Michelin

• Paul-Henri Kohler, CEO Romcarton Ambro

• Franck Neel, Member of the Directorate responsible for the Gas and Energy activity of OMV Petrom

• Elena Pap, CEO of Up Romania

• Flavia Popa, General Secretary BRD Groupe Société Générale

• Richard Perrin, Partner, Head of Advisory KPMG, CCIFER Treasurer

• Nicolas Richard, CEO of Engie Romania, President of CCIFER

• Cecilia Tudor, Managing Director of Renault South Eastern Europe

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