Nigel Slater’s recipe for chilled rice pudding and late summer compote

Nigel Slater’s recipe for chilled rice pudding and late summer compote

A midweek treat to make the most of the season’s rich flavours

Put 95g of round grain pudding rice into a saucepan, pour in 320ml of full cream milk and the same of water. Using a vegetable peeler, remove 3 short strips of zest (about 3cm in length) from a lemon and drop it into the pan. Stir in a half tsp of vanilla extract or paste. Bring to the boil, watching carefully, then, as the milk starts to rise up the sides of the pan, quickly lower the heat to a gentle simmer.

Let the rice cook for about 15 minutes, until tender, stirring from time to time. After 10 minutes or so, the rice will feel heavier on the spoon, as if you are making risotto. Stir in 4 tbsp of caster sugar, remove from the heat, pour into a cold bowl and set aside to chill.

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