Indiana limits abortion data for privacy under near-total ban, but some GOP candidates push back

Indiana limits abortion data for privacy under near-total ban, but some GOP candidates push back

By ISABELLA VOLMERT INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana allows so few abortions that health officials stopped releasing individual reports to protect patient privacy — a move some Republicans are now fighting to reverse. The Republicans, including prominent candidates for office this year, want access to reports detailing each abortion still performed in the state. Advocates for abortion…

House to send impeachment charges against Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas to the Senate, forcing a trial

House to send impeachment charges against Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas to the Senate, forcing a trial

WASHINGTON — House Speaker Mike Johnson says he is sending impeachment charges against Alejandro Mayorkas to the Senate on Tuesday, forcing senators to convene a trial on the allegations that the Homeland Security secretary has “willfully and systematically” refused to enforce existing immigration laws. But the proceedings may not last long. While the Senate is…

Fallout 4 NVIDIA DLSS 3.7 Preset E Mod Comparison Highlights Better Quality Than DLAA

Fallout 4 NVIDIA DLSS 3.7 Preset E Mod Comparison Highlights Better Quality Than DLAA

A new Fallout 4 NVIDIA DLSS 3.7 mod comparison shared online this week highlights how the new Preset E introduced in the upscaler’s latest version can lead to better quality than the often superior DLAA in certain scenarios. The comparison put together by MxbenchmarkPC highlights how, while the game generally looks blurry no matter if…

Vremea se răcește semnificativ. Elena Mateescu, ANM: Primăvara este un anotimp capricios în zona țării noastre. Aceste alternanțe vor mai fi de interes și în luna mai (VIDEO)

Vremea se răcește semnificativ. Elena Mateescu, ANM: Primăvara este un anotimp capricios în zona țării noastre. Aceste alternanțe vor mai fi de interes și în luna mai (VIDEO)

Primăvara este un anotimp capricios în zona țării noastre, iar aceste alternanțe vor mai fi interes și în ultimele săptămâni din aprilie, dar și pe parcursul lunii mai, a declarat directoarea generală a ANM, Elena Mateescu, marți, pe B1 TV, la „News Pass” cu Laura Chiriac.   Elena Mateescu (ANM), despre avertizările meteorologice în vigoare…

Russland will nach Angriffen auf Raffinerien Standards für Benzin senken

Russland will nach Angriffen auf Raffinerien Standards für Benzin senken

Ukrainische Drohnenangriffe setzen Russlands Ölindustrie unter Druck. Es mangelt wohl vor allem an Benzin. Jetzt könnte Moskau mit einer umweltschädlichen Maßnahme reagieren. Angesichts anhaltender ukrainischer Drohnenangriffe auf Ölraffinerien in Russland erwägt die Regierung, Umweltstandards für die Produktion von Benzin zu senken. Damit sollen Engpässe vermieden werden, berichtet die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters unter Berufung auf anonyme Quellen…

Sky High: The Series (2023) Season 1 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Netflix

Sky High: The Series (2023) Season 1 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Netflix

Photo Credit: Netflix Sky High: The Series (2023) Season 1 is a Spanish action-thriller drama series. The plot revolves around a widow’s challenging journey as she steps into a world of crime. The show received mixed reviews from critics and audiences. Here’s how you can watch and stream Sky High: The Series (2023) Season 1…

Tab Hunter Confidential Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Amazon Prime Video

Tab Hunter Confidential Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Amazon Prime Video

Credits: The Film Collaborative Tab Hunter Confidential delves into the life of this reluctant idol, exploring his rise to fame, the pressures of maintaining a carefully crafted image, and the hidden truth that threatened to shatter his squeaky-clean persona. Get ready for a captivating journey that’s equal parts glamour, scandal, and the fight for identity…

Storm Renata Hits Romania After Hottest April Day Ever

Storm Renata Hits Romania After Hottest April Day Ever

Yesterday was the hottest day of April 15 in the history of meteorological measurements in Romania. Absolute records were recorded at almost all weather stations. The weather changes, however, because the storm Renata, which wreaked havoc in Europe, reaches Romania. Temperatures will drop by almost 20 degrees, it will rain and the wind will be…

După aproape 9 ani de căsnicie cu Cosmin Curticăpean, Laura Cosoi a făcut un anunț neașteptat: ”Mi se pare importantă lecția împăcării”

După aproape 9 ani de căsnicie cu Cosmin Curticăpean, Laura Cosoi a făcut un anunț neașteptat: ”Mi se pare importantă lecția împăcării”

Laura Cosoi și Cosmin Curticăpean s-au căsătorit în 2015. Cei doi au o familie superbă, iar vedeta se pregătește să devină mamă din nou. Cum se înțeleg însă cei doi în realitate? Anunțul făcut de Laura Cosoi după 9 ani de căsnicie cu Cosmin Curticăpean Laura Cosoi se pregătește să aducă pe lume cel de-al…

Néhány kiadós eső megkoronázhatná a tavaszi mezőgazdasági munkálatok eredményét

Néhány kiadós eső megkoronázhatná a tavaszi mezőgazdasági munkálatok eredményét

Tavaly a sok csapadék miatt felázott a talaj és ez késleltette a tavaszi mezőgazdasági munkálatokat, idén viszont jól haladnak a teendőkkel a gazdák. A körülmények azonban most sem ideálisak, a föld felső rétege túl száraz, elkelne néhány kiadós eső – tudtuk meg Romfeld Zsolttól, a Hargita Megyei Mezőgazdasági Igazgatóság vezetőjétől. „A burgonyának majdnem a háromnegyede…

Românul prezent pe stadion la ultimele meciuri din Champions League ale lui Real și Atletico Madrid: „Guardiola inventează mereu ceva”

Românul prezent pe stadion la ultimele meciuri din Champions League ale lui Real și Atletico Madrid: „Guardiola inventează mereu ceva”

Ioan Andone este românul care a fost prezent la două meciuri din Champions League săptămâna aceasta și a fost impresionat de ceea ce a văzut. Fostul antrenor a făcut parte dintre norocoșii care au văzut pe viu 9 goluri în două partide extraordinare. Românul prezent pe stadion la ultimele meciuri din Champions League ale lui…

Regierungsberater: Bundesfinanzen in ernster Lage

Regierungsberater: Bundesfinanzen in ernster Lage

Der Haushalt für 2025 könnte zur Zerreißprobe der Ampel-Koalition werden. Berater sehen eine ganze Reihe Probleme – und bisher keine ausreichenden Lösungen. Die Bundesregierung muss sich nach Ansicht von Regierungsberatern konsequenter um die Konsolidierung ihres Haushalts kümmern. “Es ist unerlässlich, sich über die ernste Lage der Bundesfinanzen bewusst zu werden”, erklärte der Präsident des Bundesrechnungshofs,…

RMAG news

Flagrant DNA: Bani pentru influențarea judecătorilor

Un bărbat a fost reţinut de DNA pentru trafic de influenţă, după ce a fost prins în timp de primea 20.000 de euro de la o persoană, susţinând că poate interveni la judecători de la Curtea de Apel Bucureşti pentru a obţine o pedeapsă cu suspendare sau achitarea într-un dosar de tentativă la omor. „În…

Lovely Runner Actors Byeon Woo-Seok & Kim Hye-Yoon Share Their First Impression of Each Other

Lovely Runner Actors Byeon Woo-Seok & Kim Hye-Yoon Share Their First Impression of Each Other

Byeon Woo-Seok and Kim Hye-Yoon in Lovely Runner (Photo Credit: tvN) TvN’s ongoing K-drama, Lovely Runner is growing in popularity among the viewers. Featuring Byeon Woo-Seok and Kim Hye-Yoon in the lead, the drama is about time-slip redemption. The actors have garnered attention by portraying their onscreen chemistry. However, they have quite a friendly offscreen…

Will There Be an As the Crow Flies Season 4 Release Date & Is It Coming Out?

Will There Be an As the Crow Flies Season 4 Release Date & Is It Coming Out?

Image Credits: Netflix Created by Meriç Acemi, As the Crow Flies or Kus Uçusu is a Netflix series from Turkey. The story follows the bitter rivalry between celebrity news anchor Lale Kiran and the up-and-coming Asli Tuna, who initially was one of Lale’s biggest admirers. The series premiered on June 3, 2022, with Season 3…

Singapore’s outgoing PM to stay on as senior minister, his successor says

Singapore’s outgoing PM to stay on as senior minister, his successor says

Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will stay on in the government as senior minister after he steps down next month, his successor said Tuesday. Lee, 72, announced Monday that he will end his 20-year rule and hand over to his deputy Lawrence Wong on May 15. Lee is the eldest son of Lee Kuan…

Hide Episode 9 Trailer Teases Lee Bo-Young Finding the Truth About Her Father 

Hide Episode 9 Trailer Teases Lee Bo-Young Finding the Truth About Her Father 

Lee Bo-Young and Lee Chung-Ah from Hide K-drama (Photo Credit: JTBC) JTBC recently shared the Hide episode 9 trailer, featuring Lee Bo-Young in the lead role. The crime thriller K-drama revolves around the lead character, Na Moon-Young, finding it difficult to trust anyone since her husband betrayed her. In the previous episode, Moon-Young and Do…

Olaf Scholz und Xi Jinping wollen Friedenskonferenz für Ukraine

Olaf Scholz und Xi Jinping wollen Friedenskonferenz für Ukraine

Wie bringt man China dazu, Russland zum Einlenken im Ukraine-Krieg zu bewegen? Kanzler Scholz versucht in Peking sein Bestes, bekommt aber keine konkreten Zusagen. Der chinesische Präsident Xi Jinping hat nach seinem Treffen mit Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz zur internationalen Zusammenarbeit aufgerufen, um eine weitere Eskalation im Ukraine-Krieg zu vermeiden und eine baldige Friedenslösung zu erreichen….