Oklahoma AG sues natural gas companies over winter storm price hikes

Oklahoma AG sues natural gas companies over winter storm price hikes

Oklahoma’s Republican Attorney General Gentner Drummond filed lawsuits on Wednesday against two Texas-based natural gas companies over their role in soaring gas prices during Winter Storm Uri in 2021. The lawsuits, the first by the state against natural gas operators over profits reaped during the storm, were filed in Osage County, Oklahoma, against Dallas-based ET…

Top 5 Vscode Alternative Worth Consider

Top 5 Vscode Alternative Worth Consider

1.Sublime-Text -Sublime-Text Are Most Popular Editor, Although The Extension Is Not Much As Vscode Because It Was Rely On GitHub 2.Code-Server -Website Based Vscode 3.Vim -Unlike Vscode Already Integrate With Terminal In Vim Users Must Switch Into Terminal-Mode To Run/Debug Code And There’s Vscode Extension To Enchant And Refine The Use Of Vim 4.NotePad++ -Lightweight…

Aerosmith farewell tour is back on with new L.A. date, months after Steven Tyler injury

Aerosmith farewell tour is back on with new L.A. date, months after Steven Tyler injury

Aerosmith (Ross Halfin) Aerosmith farewell tour is back on with new L.A. date, months after Steven Tyler injury Alexandra Del Rosario April 10, 2024 Don’t want to miss a thing from Aerosmith’ s farewell tour? The rock group’s fans are in luck. Aerosmith announced Wednesday that its Peace Out tour is officially back on, with…

Man charged with murder of woman as she pushed pram in Bradford

Man charged with murder of woman as she pushed pram in Bradford

Habibur Masum, 25, accused of fatally stabbing Kulsuma Akter, 27, who was shopping with a friend in city centre A 25-year-old man has been charged with murdering a woman who was with her baby in a pram in Bradford city centre. Habibur Masum is accused of fatally stabbing Kulsuma Akter, 27, on a busy city…

Rmag Breaking News

Wahlbündnis für eine Vereinte Rechte gibt Kandidaten bekannt

Temeswar – Der amtierende Bürgermeister Dominic Fritz (USR) hat am Dienstagabend offiziell seine Kandidatur für ein weiteres vierjähriges Mandat an der Spitze des Bürgermeisteramtes Temeswar/Timișoara bekannt gegeben. Dominic Fritz ist der gemeinsame Kandidat der Allianz für eine Vereinte Rechte auf lokaler Ebene. Zur Allianz gehören, außer der USR, noch die PMP und die von Ludovic…

4-year-old boy recovering from surgery after shooting in Humboldt Park, alderman says

4-year-old boy recovering from surgery after shooting in Humboldt Park, alderman says

A 4-year-old boy was recovering from surgery Wednesday after he was critically injured in a shooting crossfire in a bustling section of the Humboldt Park neighborhood the day before, according to a local alderman.  The boy was riding in a car when he was struck in the back about 3:50 p.m. Tuesday in the 3300 block…

New Colors of the Ray-Ban Reverse Collection Land Only at Sunglass Hut

New Colors of the Ray-Ban Reverse Collection Land Only at Sunglass Hut

Ray-Ban is once again innovating eyewear with its latest collection: the Ray-Ban Reverse collection. This cutting-edge collection redefines eyewear design with its revolutionary inverted lens concept and there’s no better place to experience the collection first-hand than at Sunglass Hut. Launched in 2023, the Ray-Ban Reverse collection represents a bold departure from conventional sunglasses. By…

Col. Ralph Puckett, Korean war hero and Medal of Honor recipient, dead at 97

Col. Ralph Puckett, Korean war hero and Medal of Honor recipient, dead at 97

Ralph Puckett Jr., a retired Army colonel awarded the Medal of Honor seven decades after he was wounded leading a company of outnumbered Army Rangers in battle during the Korean War, has died at age 97. Puckett died peacefully Monday at his home in Columbus, Georgia, according to the Striffler-Hamby Mortuary, which is handling funeral…

Otro brindis al sol de Sánchez con Palestina

Otro brindis al sol de Sánchez con Palestina

El presidente del Gobierno proclamó ayer su liderazgo internacional y anunció que España estaba preparada para reconocer al Estado Palestino, lo que fue muy aplaudido por las bancadas progresistas del Congreso. Por supuesto, nos hallamos ante uno de esos clásicos brindis al sol tan caros a Pedro Sánchez porque, como señaló acertadamente el líder de…

Paramount investigating claim Sylvester Stallone mocked extras on ‘Tulsa King’ set: source

Paramount investigating claim Sylvester Stallone mocked extras on ‘Tulsa King’ set: source

Paramount is investigating claims Sylvester Stallone mocked extras on the set of “Tulsa King,” a source close to the show confirmed to Fox News Digital. The comedy-drama series is facing allegations of a “toxic environment,” which reportedly led to the resignation of casting director Rose Locke.  While filming season 2 of the Paramount series, Stallone…

Arizona abortion ruling upends legal and political landscape from Phoenix to Washington

Arizona abortion ruling upends legal and political landscape from Phoenix to Washington

PHOENIX — Arizona abortion providers vowed Wednesday to continue service until they’re forced to stop, a pledge that comes day after the state Supreme Court cleared the way for enforcing an 1864 law criminalizing abortion throughout pregnancy unless a woman’s life is at risk. The court decision rocked the state as women, including physicians, grappled…

Rmag Breaking News

Mister Cee, Legendary New York DJ, Dies at 57

Calvin LeBrun, better known as the legendary DJ Mister Cee has passed, according longtime employers Hot 97 and WLBS. Known as “The Finisher,” Mister Cee has been a fixture on New York City radio waves for over 25 years, helming the “Throwback at Noon” block on Hot 97 where he played classic old school hip-hop…

William Howell wrote Arizona’s 1864 abortion ban. He modeled it on California’s

William Howell wrote Arizona’s 1864 abortion ban. He modeled it on California’s

1877, Mitchell Map of Arizona and New Mexico. (Photo by: Sepia Times/Universal Images Group via Getty Images) (Sepia Times / Sepia Times/Universal Images Group via Getty Images) William Howell wrote Arizona’s 1864 abortion ban. He modeled it on California’s Election 2024,Abortion,Homepage News Faith E. Pinho Scott Wilson April 10, 2024 It was the era of…

Trump refuză să viziteze Ucraina deși a fost invitat de președintele Zelenski

Trump refuză să viziteze Ucraina deși a fost invitat de președintele Zelenski

Donald Trump, candidat republican la preşedinţia Statelor Unite, consideră că nu este potrivit să viziteze Ucraina în acest moment deoarece nu deţine o funcţie, a declarat miercuri echipa sa de campanie, după ce preşedintele Volodimir Zelenski l-a îndemnat să vină în vizită, informează Reuters, preluat de agerpres.ro. Preşedintele Zelenski, într-un interviu cu grupul de presă…

Rmag Breaking News

Kandidatenfeld für Kommunalwahlen formiert sich

Sathmar – Für die am 9. Juni anstehenden Kommunalwahlen scheint sich das Kandidatenfeld für das Rennen um das Bürgermeisteramt wie auch um den Vorsitz im Kreisrat in Sathmar/Satu Mare langsam, aber sicher zu manifestieren. Im Gegensatz zu der in weiten Teilen des Landes vereinbarten Wahlallianz zwischen PSD und PNL konnten sich die beiden Parteien im…

Israelischer Angriff: Hamas-Chef feiert “Märtyrertod” seiner Söhne und Enkel

Israelischer Angriff: Hamas-Chef feiert “Märtyrertod” seiner Söhne und Enkel

Der Chef der islamistischen Terrororganisation Hamas erfährt vom Tod mehrerer Mitglieder. Seine Reaktion auf die schreckliche Nachricht fällt ungewöhnlich aus. Der katarische Fernsehsender al-Dschasira zeigte in seinen Nachrichtensendungen den Moment, als Ismail Hanija einen Anruf erhält. Der 62-Jährige erfährt vom Tod drei seiner Söhne und mindestens vier Enkelkindern. Sie waren am Mittwoch im nördlichen Teil…

Terror con paraguas rojo

Terror con paraguas rojo

El terror lleva más de una década cartografiado en el País Vasco. Víctimas de ETA impulsaron en 2013 una detallada recopilación de los crímenes de la banda: qué, quién, cómo, cuándo y dónde. Y ese dónde es el hilo conductor que actúa como notario del dolor, individual y colectivo, y como guardián de la memoria,…

Estado plural, estado insolidario

Estado plural, estado insolidario

Cuatro décadas después el balance renquea más de lo que se hubiera deseado. A las puertas de unas elecciones en País Vasco y Cataluña, el doble espíritu que impregnó la creación del Estado de las Autonomías, respeto a la pluralidad cultural y lingüística y compromiso de eso que se llamó solidaridad interterritorial, hoy en buena…

Murakami y el mundo en la sombra de Sánchez

Murakami y el mundo en la sombra de Sánchez

La buena literatura suele ser una de las mejores vías para evadirse durante unas horas de la mundana realidad. Hastiado de Pedro Sánchez, la ley de la amnistía, las salvajes subidas de impuestos, el caso «Koldo-Ábalos», y la burda y reiterativa propaganda gubernamental, acudí raudo con ese propósito en Semana Santa a Haruki Murakami, el…

Exacción fiscal

Exacción fiscal

El presidente de la CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, ha propuesta esta semana que los empresarios le ingresen a cada trabajador la totalidad del valor añadido que genera dentro de la empresa (salario bruto más cotización empresarial a la Seguridad Social) y que luego sea el Estado quien le cobre los correspondientes tributos sobre su nómina. De…

Puigdemont morboso y sentimental

Puigdemont morboso y sentimental

Francesc Cambó (1876-1947), que se supone que es uno de los referentes de Carles Puigdemont, aunque no consta hasta dónde llega su conocimiento real sobre el histórico catalanista, llegó a decir en la tribuna del Congreso de los Diputados, un 16 de junio de 1914, que «Cataluña, contra lo que mucha gente cree, es un…

Portugal: querido y envidiado

Portugal: querido y envidiado

Cuando este próximo jueves 25 de abril se cumplan 50 años del golpe de estado que protagonizó el denominado Movimiento de las Fuerzas Armadas (MFA) dirigido por un grupo de jóvenes oficiales, viene a mi memoria e intento repasar lo que ha sido medio siglo de vida de un Portugal hermano, comparado con nuestra propia…

Spettacolo in casa Psg, il Barcellona vince 3-2

Spettacolo in casa Psg, il Barcellona vince 3-2

Il Quotidiano del Sud Spettacolo in casa Psg, il Barcellona vince 3-2 PARIGI (ITALPRESS) – Il Barcellona si impone per 3-2 in casa del Paris Saint Germain, al termine di una partita spettacolare e giocata su ritmi infernali. Nell’andata dei quarti di finale di Champions League, al Parc des Princes, i blaugrana si impongono grazie…

Atl.Madrid-Borussia Dortmund 2-1, in gol De Paul e Lino

Atl.Madrid-Borussia Dortmund 2-1, in gol De Paul e Lino

Il Quotidiano del Sud Atl.Madrid-Borussia Dortmund 2-1, in gol De Paul e Lino MADRID (SPAGNA) (ITALPRESS) – Vince l’Atletico Madrid, che nonostante le diverse occasioni da gol non va oltre il 2-1 contro un Borussia Dortmund difensivamente fragile ma ancora vivo in ottica qualificazione. Al momentaneo doppio vantaggio firmato nel primo tempo da De Paul…

Taiwanese Crypto Exchange Founder Charged With Money Laundering And Fraud

Taiwanese Crypto Exchange Founder Charged With Money Laundering And Fraud

David Pan, the founder of the Taiwanese crypto exchange ACE, alongside six other suspects, has been charged by prosecutors with fraud and money laundering. According to the official press release, a court ruled the confiscation of Pan’s assets. Crypto Fraud Investigation Ends With Indictment And Seizing Of Assets In January 2024, news broke of one…

Rmag Breaking News

Campus für dualen Berufsschulunterricht

Reschitza – Am vergangenen Wochenende ist im Bildungsministerium in Bukarest der Finanzierungsvertrag für den Bau eines neuen Schulcampus in Reschitza unterzeichnet worden, der ausschließlich dem dualen Berufsschulunterricht dienen wird. Das Finanzierungsansuchen hatte ein Reschitzaer lokales Konsortium eingereicht, bestehend aus dem Rathaus Reschitza, von dem die Initiative ausging, dem Kreisrat Karasch-Severin (die Absicht ist hinterschwellig auch,…

University of Illinois, citing insufficient evidence, closes internal probe of basketball player Terrence Shannon Jr.

University of Illinois, citing insufficient evidence, closes internal probe of basketball player Terrence Shannon Jr.

The University of Illinois has closed a student misconduct investigation of men’s basketball team star Terrence Shannon Jr., saying it did not have sufficient evidence to determine whether the Chicago native violated the school’s student code after he was accused of rape in Kansas. In a notice dated Friday, the director of the university’s Office…

HUD event offered housing resources to New Mexicans

HUD event offered housing resources to New Mexicans

BERNALILLO, N.M. (KRQE) – Native American families looking to one day be homeowners got to take part in a first-of-its-kind “tribal house party” on Wednesday. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development teamed up with the Office of Native American Programs and the Bernalillo Public Schools superintendent to host an event to encourage home ownership…