University of California-Berkeley grads disrupt commencement with anti-Israel protests

University of California-Berkeley grads disrupt commencement with anti-Israel protests

The commencement ceremony held by University of California, Berkeley was interrupted by hundreds of anti-Israel protesters on Saturday morning. Most of the protesters were graduating students, wearing caps and gowns. Pictures show hundreds of students wearing keffiyehs, waving Palestinian flags and holding signage denouncing the Israeli government. The interruptions follow weeks of unrest at U.S….

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Making payments with Stripe

Making payments with Stripe

Disclaimer: This is not to reference any past blogs as bad, just documenting an issue I encountered and a straightforward solution. What brought me here? Good question. After working for sometimes on some “X” codebase, providing the tool for free, I had to integrate a payment method to it. Being a novice into these payment…

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Sánchez sigue en el alambre

Sánchez sigue en el alambre

Illa ha ganado con claridad, pero el resultado de ayer en Cataluña no beneficia a la presidencia de Sánchez, que queda otra vez a merced de lo que Puigdemont decida en Madrid. De ser Illa elegido president con el respaldo del tripartido (PCS, ERC, Comunes), el líder de Junts podría tener la tentación de castigar…

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